
position beijing, china
Beijing Forum 2024

The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All: The Era of Innovation and Advancement of Mankind

The infinite creativity of mankind is the fundamental driving force for societal development over the millennia. Today, with each rapid iteration of scientific advancement, bursting and explosive new ideas and new technologies have led to significant restructuring of industries and profound transformation of societies. What confronts us in this era is how to address the unprecedented pace of advancement as our societies drive onto the superhighway of innovation.

Innovation empowers advancement and we experience improved lives as a result – from crafting stone tools to the invention of steam engines, from electric lights in dark nights to the worldwide web that connects the world. It is the innovative spirit that drives the constant exploration of “no man’s land,” crossing boundaries and expanding the possibilities for the betterment of human lives.

Innovation kindles civilizations as peoples of all kinds spark their unique and colorful brilliance in history, with each of these societies being enriched by the progress made possible by keeping up with the time.

Innovation also leaps, riskily, along with the development of societies. Each bursting spark of wisdom can light up the darkest night but it can also burn up the status quo. Today’s advancement of new technologies brings surging energies but also challenges traditional ethical orders and values. It is the power of civilization that always safeguards mankind during such transformations across time; hence it is most imperative to increase dialogue and mutual learning among civilizations in order to address the crises and changes brought on by the innovation era.

The first twenty years of the Beijing Forum have greatly facilitated substantive and meaningful collaborations in the fields of humanities and education worldwide. As we stand at this milestone embarking on the next twenty years, the Beijing Forum selects the annual topic of the Era of Innovation and Advancement of Mankind, aiming to continue the power of civilizations. Under the overarching theme of Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All, Beijing Forum strives to conduct academic exchanges with the principle of encompassing all while seeking advancement through innovation and reaching consensus through civilization. May the power of civilization, science and technology be the soaring wings that propel the mankind to an even better future.

Explore key themes

Panel Session 1: Sustainable Development and Environmental Health

Panel Session 2: Global Economic Transformation and China's Innovation-Driven Development: Building a New Pattern of Win-Win Growth

Panel Session 3: The Shared Future for Mankind: Initiatives, Practice, and Theory

Panel Session 4: Digitalization and Intellectuals: The Convergence of Multiple Disciplines in the Era of AI

Panel Session 5: China-Central Asia-Middle East:Regional Connectivity and Sustainable Development

Panel Session 6: Rebuilding Trust: Building Resilient Energy Systems Together

Panel Session 7: Civilization Interaction and Evolution from the Perspective of the Silk Road

Panel Session 8: The Humanities in Promoting Health for All

Panel Session 9: Area Studies in the Perspective of the Global Civilization Initiative

Panel Session 10: Exploring Strategic Pathways for China's Urban Development in a Time of Great Changes

Panel Session 11: Gender Equality in the Era of Innovation

Panel Session 12: PKU Global Health and Development Forum 2024: Planetary Health

Panel Session 13: Monetization Measurement of Social Value: Global Trends and Diversification

Symposium: Global Innovation Forum on Digital Intelligence Education: Fostering an Inclusive,Equitable,and Collaborative Future

Symposium: Developing New Quality Productive Forces through the Advancement of Emerging Engineering Disciplines

Beijing Forum Global (Dalian, P.R.China): Future Talent: Higher Education Powered by Digital Intelligence

Beijing Forum Global (Seoul, Republic of Korea): Educational Innovation in the AI Era: Challenges and Opportunities

Beijing Forum Global (Tokyo, Japan): Symposium on Ancient Chinese Book and Text Studies in the World